The product "Bolivia Trip" is a product of "Late Bolivia - Tour Operador" in order to provide a semi-private 3 day tour with fixed departures and comfortable accommodation at the Uyuni Salt Flats and Colored Lagoon´s circuit.
Why are we different?
We are delighted to inform you that our star product in Late Bolivia - Tour Operador: Bolivia Trip, received an award at the category of "Product Launch of the Year", on last monday 10th of June, at the 9th edition of Lata Achievement Awards. The event took place at the legendary Chelsea Stadium: Stamford Bridge.
Office open time:
From Monday to Friday
9:00 -18:00
Send us a message anytime! through Telegram or Whatsapp:
+591 715 38347
Calle Pajsi Nro. 17. La Paz - Bolivia
Mobile: +591 715 38347 Email: La Paz - Bolivia
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